coefficient of regression meaning in English
- Coefficient of regression
趋中系数 - Analyzed result on observed data shows that runoff erosivity and sediment transport modulus have a good power function ( y = mxn ) relationship . all the correlation coefficients of regression equation are bigger than 0 . 9 in different watershed and power exponent b is 0 . 4 - 0 . 65 , which average is 0 . 52 . and n is bigger as harness degree high
实际流域的观测资料分析结果表明:径流侵蚀力与输沙模数之间有很好的幂函数( y = mx ~ n )关系,回归方程相关系数均在0 . 9以上,关系式中幂指数n在0 . 4 - 0 . 65之间,平均为0 . 52 ,治理度越高, n值越大,而参数m与流域面积和治理度有关, m值随着流域面积的增大和治理度的提高而减小。